Jake Berman

"Health Tips From Health Experts Dr. Jake and Jenni Berman "

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What Can I Appreciate and Celebrate About Myself?

What Can I Appreciate and Celebrate About Myself?

Appreciating and celebrating oneself means taking the time to be grateful of yourself. Maybe this includes material things like buying new clothes or new makeup. For you it may be an out-of-town trip with friends or a movie night out by yourself. Do you practice gratitude with “me time” in front of the mirror inContinue Reading»

Back to School Prep Guide

Back to School Prep Guide

I cannot believe summer is winding down – how does time go by so quickly? Everyone always says time speeds up as you age… I truly think after having kids, time has become a thief. “The days are long, but the years are short” – except, really the days seem to be shorter, too! Anyway,Continue Reading»

How to Stay Hydrated Amidst the Summer Heat!

How to Stay Hydrated Amidst the Summer Heat!

Summer is one season that we’re all looking forward to after facing winter hassles (for those up north). This is the season we enjoy beaches, vacations, a little time off, go out for long drives, visit relatives from other states, play our favorite outdoor sports, and of course, enjoy time under the sun. During thisContinue Reading»

Hormones for Men and Women – Is there a Natural Approach?

Hormones for Men and Women – Is there a Natural Approach?

Hormones… blame the hormones. As we age, our bodies change, our mind changes, our muscles change, our physique changes, our drive changes – blame the hormones. The inevitable change of hormones: we are doomed, right?  Wrong.  Functional Medicine is an alternative type of medicine in which a full body biology-based approach is taken to identifyContinue Reading»

Ozempic – A Miracle Drug?

Ozempic – A Miracle Drug?

Have you heard of the trendy medication that has taken Hollywood by a storm? If you are keeping up with the news, you know the medical drug I am talking about! This injectable medication is called Ozempic and it has risen in popularity due to its weight loss benefits. Multiple influencers and celebrities like ElonContinue Reading»

All About Magnesium

All About Magnesium

Do you struggle with muscle cramps, migraines, anxiety, poor sleep, or constipation? A magnesium deficiency may be the culprit! It is estimated that about 75% of Americans are deficient in magnesium. This is a shocking amount given that magnesium is involved in over 300 biochemical reactions in our bodies! In order to understand why magnesium is soContinue Reading»

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