Jake Berman

"Health Tips From Health Experts Dr. Jake and Jenni Berman "

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5 Keys to Success

Howdy – we are back for your next blog update! By the way – do you love these blogs? Are they helpful? If so, can you share them to a family member or friend who you think could benefit from reading? Would you be able to review our Google Page to let us know youContinue Reading»


Y’all – welcome back for another blog by our awesome BHW Team! First things first – did you know that Berman Inc consists of Berman Physical Therapy, Berman Health and Wellness, ANDBerman Golf?! Did you know that we also have a PODCAST?! Look up The Berman Method Podcast on your favorite Podcast platform and followContinue Reading»

Fiber: What is it and How Much is Optimal?

Fiber: What is it and How Much is Optimal?

Fiber – What is it?Maybe you have heard of Fiber. Maybe you haven’t. Have you heard of Vegetables? Have you heard of Plants? These are the two most common sources of Fiber, though they are not the only ones out there that humans can consume. Fiber is explained to be “roughage” or “bulk”. Fiber hasContinue Reading»

Greens Powders: Should You Be Taking One?

Greens Powders: Should You Be Taking One?

You have probably seen the latest trend and all the hype around greens powders, or supplemental vegetable powders. There are many popular brands out there and they all claim to help reach your daily vegetable and fruit intake. Too good to be true? Let’s take a closer look.What are they?There are endless brands of theseContinue Reading»

All About Magnesium

All About Magnesium

Do you struggle with muscle cramps, migraines, anxiety, poor sleep, or constipation? A magnesium deficiency may be the culprit! It is estimated that about 75% of Americans are deficient in magnesium. This is a shocking amount given that magnesium is involved in over 300 biochemical reactions in our bodies! In order to understand why magnesium is soContinue Reading»

Sugar Alcohols – The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Sugar Alcohols – The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Let’s Talk Sugar AlcoholsHave you ever heard of them? Sugar alcohols are not sugar, they are not alcohol, they are one of their own. Sugar Alcohols are polyols and are ingredients that are used as sweeteners. They do come naturally from plant products such as fruits and berries. Sounds pretty good, huh?  You might recognizeContinue Reading»

Let’s Talk Fats!

Let’s Talk Fats!

What do you think of when you hear the word “fat”?Most of the time this term has a negative connotation, right?.. Well, I am here to tell you that fat is essential in your diet! Your body NEEDS fats! Fats are essential to the development of the human body. Brain and muscle development requires fats. HormoneContinue Reading»

Supplements – To Take or NOT to Take?

Supplements – To Take or NOT to Take?

The Hot TopicShould you take supplements or should you avoid supplements? There is no “one good answer” or “one size fits all answer” here. Let’s break it down. What are Supplements?Supplements or Vitamins are capsules, gummies, liquids, sublinguals, or topicals that are utilized by humans to add nutrients to their diet. Vitamins are a typeContinue Reading»

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