Jake Berman

"Health Tips From Health Experts Dr. Jake and Jenni Berman "

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Microplastics in Your Diet: What’s Really on Your Plate?

Plastics are everywhere, and our food is no exception! There are a mind-blowing number of plastics in today’s world. Currently, there are more than 15,000 plastics with a minimum of 4,200 of these considered highly hazardous to not only our environment, but also our health.  These permeating microscopic bits of plastic are everywhere….in the air,Continue Reading»

September in Season Produce: Apples!

Happy September! We are almost nearing the end of summer which means the fun holiday season is soon approaching. You probably notice how our food preferences and ingredients shift as the seasons change. This happens partly because of holidays and weather, but also because foods are harvested at different times of the year.  I loveContinue Reading»

Let’s Talk Genetics

Genetics – it is a controversial topic, but always interesting for sure. We are made up of Genes. A gene is a unit of heredity which is passed from a parent to an offspring, passing from one generation to the next. Genetics can often times be a blame for diagnoses that really aren’t due toContinue Reading»

Listening to Your Gut

Did you know that Jenni, our owner and Physician Assistant at Berman Health and Wellness wrote a book?!   Hey, it is me, Jenni writing. I have been asked questions about my book so frequently that I wanted to share a little bit of information about the book, my why, who the book is for,Continue Reading»

A Recipe for Uninterrupted Sleep

In bed by 10PM, awake at 3:00AM. Toss. Turn. Toss. Turn. Alarm blares at 5:30AM and it feels like you never even slept. Sound familiar? Many of us know this all too well and we live life in a constant daze of fatigue. Why does this happen? There isn’t one straightforward answer, however, it isContinue Reading»

Magnificent Mushrooms as Medicine

By: Diana Vittorio, RDN If you like mushrooms, keep reading because you will love this! On a very basic nutrition level, mushrooms are a great addition to our meals simply because they provide taste and texture while being low in calories, fat, and sodium and completely free of cholesterol.  They also provide key nutrients suchContinue Reading»

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