Jake Berman

"Health Tips From Health Experts Dr. Jake and Jenni Berman "

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5 Easy Tricks to Relieve Neck Pain

5 Easy Tricks to Relieve Neck Pain

1 Adjusting Your Sleeping PositionAre you waking up in the morning and experiencing neck stiffness and pain? Depending on your sleeping position, you may want to keep some things in mind. First, let’s consider what position you tend to sleep in at night.  Side Sleepers  Side sleepers need a thicker pillow under their head to keepContinue Reading»

Too Subjective To Be Objective

Too Subjective To Be Objective

Dr. Jake here again!We’ve all been in pain before, and we all try to figure out what the heck is going on. We ask our friends, our trainers, our coaches, and our doctors, and sometimes they lead us toward the right answer.BUT, there are a lot of WRONG answers!Let’s look at back pain, for example.ThereContinue Reading»