Jake Berman

"Health Tips From Health Experts Dr. Jake and Jenni Berman "

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Tips to Reduce Aches and Pains While Gardening

Tips to Reduce Aches and Pains While Gardening

1.Get the Blood Moving Before You Start A brisk walk or activating the muscles of the limbs and spine can help get blood moving and warm up your body for gardening activities. 2.Posture! Posture! Posture! Using good body mechanics while gardening is important in order to reduce tightness and prevent injury. When lifting, engage your core byContinue Reading»

Squatting vs Deadlift

Squatting vs Deadlift

Hey, it’s Dr. Jake Berman! Let me ask you: what’s the last thing you picked up off the ground? Maybe it was a golf ball on hole 18. Maybe it was a full laundry basket, or one of your children/grandchildren. Maybe it was the newspaper off your front step this morning. Whatever it was, youContinue Reading»