Jake Berman

"Health Tips From Health Experts Dr. Jake and Jenni Berman "

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The Awful Truth About Orthotics

The Awful Truth About Orthotics

Hey, it’s Dr. Jake Berman!It’s time to get political. I’ve been passively sitting by watching our country walk its way down the drain, and I can’t keep quiet any longer! It’s time to express my feelings! It’s time to let the cat out of the bag! It’s time to bring truth to America!It’s time toContinue Reading»

Don’t Fall! Here’s A Simple Balance Test

Don’t Fall! Here’s A Simple Balance Test

Hey, it’s Dr. Jake Berman!Let’s talk about balance. It’s one of the most common things people want us to help them with when they come in to the clinic!Balance is something we take for granted until it’s taken away. Remember when you used to do cartwheels or spin around as fast as you could whenContinue Reading»