Jake Berman

"Health Tips From Health Experts Dr. Jake and Jenni Berman "

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The Top 5 Exercises to Relieve Sciatica Pain

The Top 5 Exercises to Relieve Sciatica Pain

If you’re struggling with the relentless pain of sciatica, you know how it can disrupt every aspect of your life. The sharp, shooting pain that travels down your leg can make even the simplest tasks feel impossible. But there’s hope! With the right exercises to relieve sciatica, you can start to regain control and reduceContinue Reading»

How To Prevent Back Pain For A Restful Sleep

How To Prevent Back Pain For A Restful Sleep

Hey there! Let’s talk about something we all deal with, back pain. It’s a total buzzkill, right? But fear not! We’ve got your back (pun intended) with some awesome tips to prevent back pain and keep that pain at bay. Because seriously, who wants to put their life on hold when there’s so much funContinue Reading»

5 Top Tips To Stay Active And STOP Back Pain

5 Top Tips To Stay Active And STOP Back Pain

It’s easy when it’s hot outside and you’re indoors with your AC, feeling sluggish to fall into a sedentary slump! But without regular activity and movement, we run the risk of developing or WORSENING back pain that can stick with us for months or even years. That’s why it’s important to stay active and stopContinue Reading»

Causes & Treatment Options for Low Back Pain!

Causes & Treatment Options for Low Back Pain!

There are many different types of ways that may cause you to endure lower back pain. A few of the most common ways is poor posture, a back pain muscle strain, and lifting heavy items incorrectly. When trying to lift heavy weights (could be during a workout or moving heavy household items when you areContinue Reading»

Golf: Over Swinging = Losing Distance

Golf: Over Swinging = Losing Distance

So we’ve gone over the proper body mechanics required for the golf swing and how improper use of those body mechanics leads to back pain and losing distance off the tee. We also now know that the twisting/turning motions of the golf swing are supposed to come from your upper back (thoracic spine) and yourContinue Reading»

Back Pain and Losing Distance Are Directly Correlated

Back Pain and Losing Distance Are Directly Correlated

In America low back pain is the number one reason why male golfers stop golfing. In addition, statistically speaking, 80% of all Americans will experience low back pain at some point in their life. It just so happens that golfing significantly increases your chances for experiencing low back pain, especially after the age of 50 yearsContinue Reading»

How to Add More Distance to Your Tee Shot

How to Add More Distance to Your Tee Shot

Golf is one of the most common sports played among retired Americans, especially in Florida! The number of golfers exponentially increases in Naples Florida where I was born, raised, and started my Physical Therapy practice Berman Physical Therapy. You literally cannot drive more than 3 minutes anywhere in Naples without passing a golf course. AtContinue Reading»

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