Jake Berman

"Health Tips From Health Experts Dr. Jake and Jenni Berman "

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How To Treat Burning Knee Pain – 3 Expert Tips

How To Treat Burning Knee Pain – 3 Expert Tips

The holidays are meant to be a time of joy, of family gatherings, of laughter and love.   Yet, here I am, your friendly physical therapist, with a concern that is all too common: burning knee pain.   It is that nagging, persistent discomfort that threatens to overshadow the holiday spirit, making you apprehensive about theContinue Reading»

3 Things You Could Be Doing That Make Knee Pain Worse

3 Things You Could Be Doing That Make Knee Pain Worse

Have you ever experienced knee pain?The kind that slows you down in life, bothers when you walk up and down the stairs, hurts every time you bend down, aches when you sit, and just generally leaves you feeling frustrated wondering when it’s finally going to wear off…If that sounds like you, you’re not alone.Painful knees are one of the most common things we seeContinue Reading»

What The Heck Is Wrong With My Knee?

What The Heck Is Wrong With My Knee?

Dr. Berman again with some CRUCIAL information! Here’s something we hear a lot in the office: “I had to stop playing golf/tennis because my knee bothers me so much!” “What is that sharp sensation in the front of my knee?” “Why does my knee feel like it’s going to give out?” “Why did my friend’s knee get better and mineContinue Reading»