Jake Berman

"Health Tips From Health Experts Dr. Jake and Jenni Berman"

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Shoulder Pain, Rotator Cuff Tears, and Surgery!

Shoulder Pain, Rotator Cuff Tears, and Surgery!

Since the pandemic hit, we’ve gotten more calls about shoulder pain, rotator cuff issues, and concerns about needing shoulder surgery than we’ve got in years! Seriously, pre-March 2020, the most common calls we got at our Naples physical therapy location was for back pain. I even went as far to say that 75% of whatContinue Reading»

Chapter 9: What Could An Extra 25 Yards Do For Your Game?

Chapter 9: What Could An Extra 25 Yards Do For Your Game?

Over the years I’ve given countless complimentary golf talks at the local country clubs in Naples, Marco Island, Bonita Springs, Estero, and even Ft. Myers. I’ve even done virtual Zoom golf talks for attendees all around the country. The purpose of these talks is strictly from an educational perspective ending with immediately actionable tips thatContinue Reading»

How important is BALANCE?

How important is BALANCE?

Balance is another one of those funny things like posture. Most people agree that balance and posture are extremely important however very few people do anything to actually try and improve it. The most common answer I hear is “I just have bad balance” essentially using it as an excuse to NOT get better balance.Continue Reading»

Golf: Over Swinging = Losing Distance

Golf: Over Swinging = Losing Distance

So we’ve gone over the proper body mechanics required for the golf swing and how improper use of those body mechanics leads to back pain and losing distance off the tee. We also now know that the twisting/turning motions of the golf swing are supposed to come from your upper back (thoracic spine) and yourContinue Reading»

Back Pain and Losing Distance Are Directly Correlated

Back Pain and Losing Distance Are Directly Correlated

In America low back pain is the number one reason why male golfers stop golfing. In addition, statistically speaking, 80% of all Americans will experience low back pain at some point in their life. It just so happens that golfing significantly increases your chances for experiencing low back pain, especially after the age of 50 yearsContinue Reading»

The 4 Pillars of Your Golf Game

The 4 Pillars of Your Golf Game

A quick Google search of “how to improve your golf game” will result in endless pages of options ranging from free self help videos to training programs you could spend thousands of dollars on. Results vary from working on your swing technique to mental training to the latest and greatest technology, to working with aContinue Reading»