Jake Berman

"Health Tips From Health Experts Dr. Jake and Jenni Berman"

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Blood Sugar: The Things You may NOT Know

Blood Sugar: The Things You may NOT Know

When we hear blood sugar we (or most of us at least) immediately think, “I don’t have Diabetes,” or “My doctor said my sugar is fine,” or “I don’t eat a lot of candy or sugar.”  These are not my top concerns for individuals and their blood sugar. You don’t need to have diabetes to haveContinue Reading»

Our Gut is our Second Brain

Our Gut is our Second Brain

The Gut starts at the mouth → pharynx → esophagus → stomach → small intestine → large intestine → anus – the whole entire pathway. The intestinal lining makes us or breaks us. The intestinal lining is the inside of our intestines: the borders, the protectors, the keys to our immune system. If we haveContinue Reading»

Meet the ones who will Change Your Life

Meet the ones who will Change Your Life

BERMAN HEALTH AND WELLNESS – WHO ARE WE? Berman Health and Wellness is a Functional Medicine and Wellness practice that helps individuals reach their goal weight and improve their gut health while avoiding needless medications and achieving the highest quality of life imaginable! Berman Health and Wellness specializes in treating problems and not just theContinue Reading»

Causes & Treatment Options for Low Back Pain!

Causes & Treatment Options for Low Back Pain!

There are many different types of ways that may cause you to endure lower back pain. A few of the most common ways is poor posture, a back pain muscle strain, and lifting heavy items incorrectly. When trying to lift heavy weights (could be during a workout or moving heavy household items when you areContinue Reading»

Shoulder Pain, Rotator Cuff Tears, and Surgery!

Shoulder Pain, Rotator Cuff Tears, and Surgery!

Since the pandemic hit, we’ve gotten more calls about shoulder pain, rotator cuff issues, and concerns about needing shoulder surgery than we’ve got in years! Seriously, pre-March 2020, the most common calls we got at our Naples physical therapy location was for back pain. I even went as far to say that 75% of whatContinue Reading»

Chapter 9: What Could An Extra 25 Yards Do For Your Game?

Chapter 9: What Could An Extra 25 Yards Do For Your Game?

Over the years I’ve given countless complimentary golf talks at the local country clubs in Naples, Marco Island, Bonita Springs, Estero, and even Ft. Myers. I’ve even done virtual Zoom golf talks for attendees all around the country. The purpose of these talks is strictly from an educational perspective ending with immediately actionable tips thatContinue Reading»