Jake Berman

"Health Tips From Health Experts Dr. Jake and Jenni Berman "

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How To Sleep With Tennis Elbow? 5 Key Tips

How To Sleep With Tennis Elbow? 5 Key Tips

Are you tossing and turning at night, trying to find a comfortable position for your aching elbow? Tennis elbow can be a relentless pain that not only disrupts your daily activities but also invades your nights, making restful sleep seem like a distant dream. I get it—sleep is crucial for your overall health, and whenContinue Reading»

Fertility: 5 Things Your Doctor may not be Looking at

Fertility Concerns – Infertility – Unexplained Infertility – Secondary Infertility – Recurrent Fetal Loss – Recurrent Miscarriage – Fetal Loss – Spontaneous Abortion – Ectopic Pregnancy – Amenorrhea – Secondary Amenorrhea – Hypothalamic Amenorrhea – Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome   Do any of these words hit home? I understand. They did (and actually still do) forContinue Reading»

How Does Adequate Sunlight Help to Improve Your Health?

Sunlight provides many positive health benefits such as improving sleep, mood and mental health. It is also well known that sunlight helps keep our vitamin D levels optimal. But, how does sunlight specifically improve these factors, and what does “adequate” sunlight mean? Most individuals are not getting close to enough exposure to direct and indirectContinue Reading»

Taking Care of Your Mental Health

September is National Suicide Awareness Month, but every month should have focus on mental health. Mental Health is more prevalent than one thinks. According to recent studies: ● 1 in 5 adults in the United States live with mental illness ● In 2020, nearly 52.9 million adults were living with Mental Illness ● In 2022,Continue Reading»

5 Keys to Success

Howdy – we are back for your next blog update! By the way – do you love these blogs? Are they helpful? If so, can you share them to a family member or friend who you think could benefit from reading? Would you be able to review our Google Page to let us know youContinue Reading»

Can Nutrition be Used as a Therapy in Crohn’s Disease?

The short answer to the title question is: Yes! But, Crohn’s Disease is a condition that can vary in severity and the same treatment plans do not apply for everyone with Crohn’s Disease. Each client needs a care plan tailored to their disease, symptoms and lifestyle.   Crohn’s Disease is an autoimmune condition and isContinue Reading»

What is Causing Your Food Cravings?

Do you find yourself reaching for the candy bowl or bag of chips at work around three in the afternoon? How about after a meal, do you just need something sweet to satisfy you? Findyourself eating a whole sleeve of cookies after rummaging in the pantry before bed? If so.. Keep reading! Cravings for sweetContinue Reading»

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