The shoulder joint has the most available range of motion out of all your joints in the entire body. this gives it the most however it also makes it the most vulnerable.
Because it has so much range of motion available, it must have more muscles to stabilize it than any other joint too.
There are at least Seventeen muscles that contribute to shoulder stability, some people may even argue more contribute indirectly. Most of these muscles are really small making them really hard to strengthen with general exercise programs.
Muscles or group of muscles that people think about are the rotator cuff muscles. There are four rotator cuff muscles total and these are the most VULNERABLE muscles in the shoulder complex.
Most people think that the rotator cuff is the most important group of muscles in the shoulder…
In reality, your posture muscles are the most important group of muscles!
If your posture muscles do not maintain your upper body in the proper position, it puts exponentially more stress on your rotator cuff muscles which ultimately leads to them breaking down and you feeling pain
I can honestly tell you that in my entire career I have never worked with somebody who had non-traumatic shoulder pain (so only referring to pain that “just started on it’s own”) over the age of 50 who had perfect posture
Most of the people that I've worked with over the years wait to come see me because they think that the pain will just go away on its own.
They think that resting it, putting some ice on it, and taking some pain medication will fix the problem
Even worse, some might get an injection!!!
It might give temporary relief but it never lasts!
The reason is because where you feel the pain is not where the actual problem is!
Where you feel the pain is just where the symptoms are…
Side note: I hate injections in general however I REALLY hate injections into the shoulder. Reason being that they usually “work” meaning that they alleviate the pain. Remember, pain is there for a reason. Once the pain is “magically” gone, you start to do things that you normally would not do which further stresses the rotator cuff. This places you at a much higher risk for needing rotator cuff surgery down the road!!!
So what the heck can you do to fix your shoulder pain???
You can start by downloading our Free Report on the 7 Most Common Causes of Neck and Shoulder Pain (the causes of shoulder pain and neck pain are pretty much the same)
The next thing you should do is ask us for a FREE Assessment to see if your posture really is the underlying culprit of your pain
Call or Text us at 239-431-0232 and we’ll ask you a few questions to see if you should take us up on our offer OR if you should go straight to the orthopedic surgeon!
Or email us at
Just don’t do nothing!!! Remember, shoulder pain does NOT fix itself!