Jake Berman

"Health Tips From Personal Trainer and Nutrition Specialist Jenni & Jake Berman..."

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Berman Health and Wellness is a Functional Medicine and Wellness practice that helps individuals reach their goal weight and improve their gut health while avoiding needless medications and achieving the highest quality of life imaginable! Berman Health and Wellness specializes in treating problems and not just the symptoms. We look at the body from the inside-out to assess how we are responding to blood sugar levels, hormone levels, vitamin levels, and gut health.

Did you know that your GUT (Mouth, Esophagus, Stomach, Intestines) is truly your second brain?! Your gut is the start of many diagnoses and Autoimmune conditions out there. Details on this will be saved for another blog, but this is incredibly important if you are going to treat problems and fix problems to feel better indefinitely.


Diving deep into a person’s metabolism and performing an internal analysis is vital to identify the cause of various symptoms:

  • Weight Gain
  • Poor Sleep
  • Lack of Energy
  • Restless Legs
  • Headaches
  • Cravings
  • Increased Hunger
  • Nighttime Hunger
  • Anxiety or Depression
  • And the list could go on….

Another Did You Know (or two)....

  • Did you know these are symptoms of an actual problem that can be fixed?
  • Did you know that many of these symptoms are related to poor blood sugar regulation and vitamin deficiencies?

Okay, one more

  • Did you know that vitamin deficiencies can actually be directly related to foods you are eating and your gut health (see, I told you this was going to be important)?!

Berman Health and Wellness is here to help you reach your goals and achieve the highest quality of life imaginable which can be done by evaluating you as an individual, looking at your body from the inside-out, and treating you in an individualized, personalized, program with proper meal planning, macronutrient recommendations (proteins, carbohydrates, and fats), supplement recommendations and more. 

We work with individuals one-on-one to develop a personalized meal plan based on the right types of foods, the right amounts of foods, and the right supplementations based on their needs. We monitor their blood work analysis throughout the wellness journey. The key to success is knowledge - what is best for your body specifically.



I am Jenni Berman, Physician Assistant-Certified. I am also a Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Nutrition Specialist, and Certified Indoor Cycling Instructor. I specialized in Functional Medicine years ago after working with and training under an Institute of Functional Medicine Doctor, Dr. Caroline Cederquist.

 I developed a passion for Functional Medicine and Gut Health after going through my own long, painful, journey of gut issues which led to systemic (full body) side effects. You can read the longer version of my story in my book, The Berman Way - Treating the Inside Out. To save some time here, it was quite a journey with tons of medications, doctors, and hospital visits with no answers. Finally, we got the answer and it came down to my gut… food sensitivities, and vitamin deficiencies. After my wonderful husband, Jake Berman, DPT, PT, helped to identify the cause and get me on the right track to a healthy lifestyle again, we knew that we had to practice medicine differently. Jake and I knew that we did not want to be part of corporate medicine that just hands out pills and prescriptions, runs the mill, and moves on to the next patient. We have to be different. We have to actually treat the patients. We have to identify problems and fix problems, not just treat symptoms. After graduating with a Physician Assistant degree I first started out in Pediatric Orthopedic Medicine. I loved it. I was helping little kids. It was fun. It wasn’t my passion, though. My passion and my heart were in Functional Medicine. I was lucky? grateful? or whatever the term might be, enough to land the position with Dr. Caroline Cederquist and it changed my career, but even more, my life. I found the niche where I could actually do what I promised - to treat the individual and treat the problem.

Through research, Berman Health and Wellness continues to evolve and reach more individuals. Knowledge is Key.

Stay tuned for future blogs talking about blood sugar stability, gut health, hormonal changes, macronutrients, meal plans, vitamins, and MORE!

Subscribe to The Berman Method Podcast on Apple or your favorite podcast platform to learn more each week! Follow @berman_wellness on Instagram and @bermanwellness on Facebook, too!

Jenni Berman

Jenni Berman

Jenni, owner of Berman Health and Wellness, works alongside Berman Physical Therapy to help individuals get back in shape, improve their gut health, and to stay feeling young so they can stay in the game! After graduating from the University of Florida with a Bachelor’s in Applied Physiology and Kinesiology, she went on to obtain a Master’s of Physician Assistant Studies. She has a passion for helping individuals to feel better than they thought imaginable through natural approaches, nutrition, and whole body treatment. She is also a Certified Personal Trainer and Nutrition Specialist. When she is not working with patients or with clients, you can find Jenni on the boat, in the sun, enjoying time with her husband, Jake,her daughter Stella June, spending time in Jacksonville with her family, or playing with her [CUTE!] pups!!
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