Jake Berman

"Health Tips From Personal Trainer and Nutrition Specialist Jenni & Jake Berman..."

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Let’s Talk Genetics

Genetics – it is a controversial topic, but always interesting for sure. We are made up of Genes. A gene is a unit of heredity which is passed from a parent to an offspring, passing from one generation to the next. Genetics can often times be a blame for diagnoses that really aren’t due to genetics.


Certainly we carry genes. We do, however, have the ability to turn genes on and off. Yes, that is right – if you have the “gene for high cholesterol” you do NOT have to have high cholesterol. Genetics are not dictating your life. Your food, beverages, activities, and environment are dictating your life. Certainly traits are “passed down” though this is related to the similarities in dietary methods, stress response, environment, and internal factors such as vitamin deficiencies, nutrient deficiencies, and gut health from one generation to the next.


My mentor always uses the example that carries the majority of the “obesity genes”. Majority of her family members are also obese. She is not. She is not obese because of her lifestyle she has been determined to maintain with proper gut health, the right foods and balance of macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, and fats) for her body, proper vitamin levels, and stress response management. This is what keeps her “obesity genes” turned off and allows her to maintain a healthy weight.


I have had many clients come in to tell me that their high cholesterol is genetic and it is never going to get better. Through their history we identify other inflammatory and autoimmune symptoms. Further, we identify their gut permeability (poor gut health) and the stimulating factors to this. With a lifestyle change of identifying the right foods for their body, the right blood sugar control with the proper intake of their food, optimizing their vitamin levels and stress hormone, their cholesterol values actually DECREASED and after a couple of months of healing NORMALIZED. They are always shocked. They have always believed that there is nothing they can do for their cholesterol and they will have to always take a statin medication – until we can prove to them that their cholesterol is actually inflammatory and not genetic. A similar story goes for many autoimmune diseases, weight concerns, and blood sugar issues such as Pre-Diabetes and Type II Diabetes.


We are utilizing the 23andMe Genetic testing to help analyze individuals at a deeper metabolic level. We have been able to utilize the result of this testing with deep analysis to identify the underlying stimulation for blood sugar instability, weight gain, gaining weight back after losing it, autoimmune disease, inflammation, and poor response to exercise. It is enlightening to see the culprit of some of these diagnoses, but to actually have answers on how to FIX the actual problem rather than just treating it with prescriptions.


Are you ready to beat your own genetics? The answer is Yes!

Have you had the 23andMe testing done? We can analyze your results!

Are you interested in having 23andMe done? We can do it for you!


Do you want Berman Health and Wellness to analyze your genetics for you? Contact us today at 239-431-0232 or at www.bermanpt.com/wellness

Jenni Berman

Jenni Berman

Jenni, owner of Berman Health and Wellness, works alongside Berman Physical Therapy to help individuals get back in shape, improve their gut health, and to stay feeling young so they can stay in the game! After graduating from the University of Florida with a Bachelor’s in Applied Physiology and Kinesiology, she went on to obtain a Master’s of Physician Assistant Studies. She has a passion for helping individuals to feel better than they thought imaginable through natural approaches, nutrition, and whole body treatment. She is also a Certified Personal Trainer and Nutrition Specialist. When she is not working with patients or with clients, you can find Jenni on the boat, in the sun, enjoying time with her husband, Jake,her daughter Stella June, spending time in Jacksonville with her family, or playing with her [CUTE!] pups!!
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