Jake Berman

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Flu Season or Sugar, Stress, and Sleep? The Real Reason We Get Sick

We have entered “Flu Season”. We have entered the season where we should be getting our flu shots, Covid Vaccines, watching for RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus), Winter Colds, blah blah blah – right?

Is it actually the weather and the gatherings of people causing the germs? You didn’t ask me – but I am going to give you my opinion… NO. It is NOT the weather. NO. It is not the season. Germs don’t instinctively grow when the weather is colder.

The problem: Yes, let’s dive into the problem. But, first – don’t get me wrong. I love the “Ber” months … September-December. All of the months that end in “Ber”. I love them – fall decorations, the excitement that the kids have, football season, pumpkin everything. What is there not to love?

OK – let’s get back to the point. The problem with the “Ber” months that actually leads us to this “Flu Season”. The Three S’s – Sugar, Stress, and (lack of) Sleep. This is the problem.

October is a candy eating holiday (Halloween), followed by November which is a Pie eating holiday (Thanksgiving), followed by December which is a candy, cocktails, and chocolate holiday (the entire month), followed by a Booze holiday (New Years Eve). So, we have three months of an increase of sugar, carbohydrates, and alcohol. In addition to this, most of us have an increase of stress starting with the holiday months. Then, as we progress through these holiday months, our sleep starts to go. Does sleep change because of our schedules – more events out, then we still have to wake up early for work so we just compromise sleep or does the sleep actually get affected by our blood sugar instability and inflammation from the increase of carbohydrates, sugar, and alcohol?  Honestly, probably both.

Stress: it is inflammatory. Stress, whether it is internal or external, increases Cortisol. Cortisol is the stress hormone released from the adrenal glands. It is a steroid. This steroid is inflammatory on our system – breaks down the gut lining, increases our blood sugar levels, changes the hormones of our brain. Cortisol is systemic – not only do we feel the metal load of stress, but it is also impacting us inside and out. We will crave more carbohydrates and sugar due to the impacts it has on our blood sugar, we will hold onto fat (to try to reserve energy), and it reduces our ability to get into deep sleep. It increases anxiety and depression, reduces our energy level, makes us want to take naps at 10am and 3pm. It keeps us awake at 2-4am. Cortisol response can affect our skin, headaches, and our immune system. Chronic elevation of Cortisol is a problem.

Sleep: this is a vital recovery time. If we are getting 7-8 hours of restful sleep we will regenerate 330 billion healthy cells a night. If we are not getting adequate and restful sleep we are NOT regenerating healthy cells and likely will regenerate UNHEALTHY cells. Sleep is important to regulate blood sugar, vitamin and nutrient levels, cortisol levels, blood pressure, and more. Sleep is more than just giving your body energy. It is feeding your cells and your brain.

Sugar: sugar is inflammatory. Sugar spikes cortisol levels – we already know what high cortisol levels can do to us. Sugar is a laxative. Sugar inflames the gut lining. Sugar reduces our important vitamin levels like Vitamin D, Magnesium, Melatonin, B12, and more. Sugar is just as bad as nicotine. We all know Nicotine is bad – so why do we not see sugar as the same?

So, now we are in these months of sugar, stress, and (poor) sleep and we want to blame it on the “season” and the “weather” causing us all to be sick.  Not so fast….

How are you going to regulate your immune system this season? It does not mean you have to avoid all of your favorite foods, drinks, or events. It means that we need to know how to balance a proper lifestyle. What do I need to focus on so I CAN have the drink? Am I getting enough protein? Am I giving and taking in areas that make me feel good and balanced?

Come work with our team to find out how we can help you to LOSE Weight during the holidays instead of gain the average 8-13 pounds that American’s gain. Come work with our team to find out how we can help you to NOT feel the impacts of bloating, abdominal pain, fatigue, headaches, viruses, and all of those negative things during the holidays. Come ask how you can ENJOY your holidays and not have repercussions of it.

Jenni Berman

Jenni Berman

Jenni, owner of Berman Health and Wellness, works alongside Berman Physical Therapy to help individuals get back in shape, improve their gut health, and to stay feeling young so they can stay in the game! After graduating from the University of Florida with a Bachelor’s in Applied Physiology and Kinesiology, she went on to obtain a Master’s of Physician Assistant Studies. She has a passion for helping individuals to feel better than they thought imaginable through natural approaches, nutrition, and whole body treatment. She is also a Certified Personal Trainer and Nutrition Specialist. When she is not working with patients or with clients, you can find Jenni on the boat, in the sun, enjoying time with her husband, Jake,her daughter Stella June, spending time in Jacksonville with her family, or playing with her [CUTE!] pups!!
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