Jake Berman

"Health Tips From Health Experts Dr. Jake and Jenni Berman "

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Do You Take My Insurance?

Do You Take My Insurance?

Dr. Jake Berman here again! Physical therapy has gotten a bad rap over the past 20+ years and it’s time to shed some light on why. From what I hear (I wasn’t practicing back then), the 80’s and early 90’s was the heyday of physical therapy. You could see one patient per hour, bill theContinue Reading»

X-rays? No Way!

X-rays? No Way!

Hey, it’s Dr. Jake Berman! Welcome to my blog! In a previous blog, I talked about how western medicine tends to treat the symptoms of back pain and not the actual cause – how doctors tend to focus on pain medicines and X-ray/MRI results to guide their treatment of your symptoms without actually putting their handsContinue Reading»

The Reason Your Back Tightness Won’t Go Away

The Reason Your Back Tightness Won’t Go Away

Hey, it’s Dr. Jake Berman! Welcome to my blog! One of the most common things I hear on the first phone call with new clients is,“My back has been bothering me for X amount of time…my MRI/X-rays say that I have degeneration, herniation, bulging, etc…”  Many of those people have tried core strengthening, back stretches, painContinue Reading»

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