Are you frustrated with losing distance off the tee? Has your handicap suffered due to crappy consistency? Are you unable to play as often as you would like to due to nagging aches and pains?

If so, Berman Golf Group Performance Sessions are perfect for you! 

These small group sessions will help you learn exactly how to move better your body better, recruiting the right muscles at the right time, helping you increase mobility and avoid painful injuries that keep you off the course!

The results will be dramatic and faster than anything you’ve ever tried before! 

You’ll be able to efficiently activate your core and glute muscles, increase your shoulder turn, and proper load your rear leg, ultimately resulting in more club head speed, but more importantly the ability to generate more power and transfer that power into the golf ball with less effort!

Look at what our past group golf performance sessions have looked like BEFORE opening our brand new facility right across the street from Bonita Bay!

Best part, you will be the first to experience our BRAND NEW state of the art golf facility located right across the street within the True Spec Golf facility!

Click here to check out our new location!!

If that wasn't enough to excite you then look at what golfers just like YOU are saying about Berman Golf’s Group Performance Sessions!

So what are you waiting for?..

This is an exclusive offer ONLY available to Bonita Bay Members! 

You will be able to purchase Group Golf Performance sessions at our new location for ONLY $49! (originally priced $100). 

This offer is only good for the first 30 members so don’t wait! It’s time to start Gaining Distance, Shooting More Consistently, AND Playing More Frequently TODAY!

Call/Text us at: 239-431-0232 or Email us: